NHS introduce Prescription Bike sharing scheme to beat heart disease.

NHS introduce Prescription Bike sharing scheme to beat heart disease.

2 GP surgeries in Cardiff will be trialling the new scheme where they will be able to prescribe free passes to bike sharing systems for up to 6 months.

The aim is to tackle obesity and its related illnesses such as heart disease.

Public health consultant Dr Tom Porter said: “Cycling is a fantastic form of physical activity and riding your bike is one of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of ill health while building your cardiovascular fitness.”

"Not only can cycling to work reduce your risk of death from heart disease by 52 per cent, but it's also a great way to get around the city without using your car, making it good for both you and the environment around you, and helping to keep the air clean for everyone while reducing carbon emissions.”

All UK cities and urban spaces should encourage cycling as an option for commuters and travellers. Cycling provides a cleaner way to move around while also inspiring people to get more physically active.

Bailey Streetscene have been providing cycle solutions for 15 years, from basic cycle stands to shelters capable of housing up to 400 bikes.

Find out what we have available.